During the founding day feast in Steyr the new monstrance made from oblation rings of deceased members was consecrated.

Some thoughts by the artist S. Rebekka Brenken

hermit from the house Lavra Lej da Christgarten

on the monstrance made from oblation rings of deceased members


Her work holds the title: „Thesaurat“ which means „treasure house“.  

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These are the rings of your deceased sisters:

Everything we do in our life as consecrated women is based on God’s love for us.

Our answer is also loyalty.

Some large and wonderful signs of devotion arose and are arising out of it and many, many small signs were and are hidden, they are a treasure for God, with fathomless worth…

Basically it was important to us to keep some of the rings visible as a symbol and message for all.



Your ways – also set down in the name of your Society – are incredibly diverse, like the ways of all of God’s children.

But you went this way with God, for God and his children.

You let yourselves be needed and put yourselves into the service of others, and often it was a hidden life…

These ways are pictured by the sun disc.

Every time a person is made use of this leaves visible marks on the rings.

The stones and settings bear traces, even the most precious and hardest stones… we chose some deliberately…

The stones are symbols for your sites of ministry.

Here it is not important how large in number your sites of ministry are but how large the work of every one of you is before God.

The aim of our life as consecrated people is the new Jerusalem, the being with Christ.

There are 12 stones, you can count them, on the front and rear together

the walls of the new city are decorated with 12 precious stones…

and in the middle Christ the lamb sits enthroned – visible here as a present of his presence in the sacrament and for ever seated at the right hand of the Father.


The monstrance is the place where you can be close to Him.

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S. Rebekka during her speech.